Anybody want a peanut?

The Grackles in my yard have given us some good looks this week.
Look who’s making an entrance! It’s a House Finch showing off its landing skills on my Bird Buddy.
Tweety’s got nothing on this little guy when it comes to being the cutest!
I’m not sure what this Grackle is holding in his beak. Is it a twig or maybe a worm?
These are some of my favorite Bird Buddy photos from the last week.
This House Finch was quite the little bully today, refusing to share with the poor Chickadee.
This cute pair of Tufted Titmouses have become regular visitors at my Bird Buddy
We harvested a lot of blueberries at our house. I put a few in the Bird Buddy and this Mockingbird seems to be enjoying the extra treat.
What happened to the peanuts? 🥜 There were peanuts in this feeder yesterday
That 🥜 is almost as large as that Carolina Wren’s head!
Great 📸 of this Grey Catbird. Bird Buddy didn’t capture it, I pulled it out of a video.
Gotta admire this Grackle’s hustle! How does he fit it all in his beak? #birdBuddy
My wife thinks grackles look mean. Grackles have a third eyelid or nictitating membrane, that is translucent and whitish or bluish in color. This extra eyelid is hinged on the inner side of the eye and moves horizontally across the cornea. That’s probably what makes them look mean.
I almost squealed like a little girl when I saw this new visitor on my Bird Buddy. So pretty. I think he’s just passing through on his way north.
This Java Sparrow looks offended by the Northern Cardinal’s presence on his feeder 😁 😂 🤣
Look who’s here! A beautiful Brown Thrasher jumped from my suet feeder and is now enjoying some tasty treats on my Bird Buddy.
This tiny Carolina Wren is flaunting its peanut prize like it’s the hottest new accessory.
Didn’t your mama ever tell you not to talk with your mouth full?