
After days of eating at the other feeders in my yard this Goldfinch finally came to my Bird Buddy for a closeup.
He came back later with a lady friend.
Shake those seeds off your beak.
Even though this house finch sat and dined for a while it didn’t trigger a Bird Buddy postcard.
🎵 I always feel like somebody’s watching me 🎶
The suet ball hasn’t attracted any new birds yet, but some repeat visitors were seen at my Bird Buddy today.
Did you know? The original “Santa Claus” 🎅 was Saint Nicholas, a Cardinal in the Catholic church.
I saw a new visitor at my Bird Buddy this morning.
This guy has a big appetite. He visits my Bird Buddy several times a day.
My Bird Buddy continues to send me postcards.
First postcard from my Bird Buddy smart bird feeder. Slightly disappointed that it wasn’t entirely in focus. The AI had trouble identifying the species, but I think it’s a Carolina Wren.