Deer in the Yard
My neighbor made these wooden deer himself (using a pattern he bought online)

My neighbor made these wooden deer himself (using a pattern he bought online)
Seen in the parking lot at church today…
Here’s a follow-up to yesterday’s post…
This was an old mural in downtown Greenville.
Almost gots da birdie!
Nobody has ever called me a guiding light before, but I guess I’ll take it.
“Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight.”
Amos is the greyhound mascot for my alma mater, Moravian University.
We started decorating inside our house today. The tree isn’t up yet, but I put up some greenery around the fireplace.
Come check out a book from the newest Little Free Library, located at the end of Tralee Lane.
The attention to detail in Zwift is amazing. Pay attention to the scenery and sometimes you’ll see animals grazing or running through fields, like this white deer.
Casper likes to sit on top of my office chair
Added some new figures to our Nativity display this year (shepherd and sheep) 🐑